Eat Dinner Together at Home (Gold Nugget #3)

Eating family at a dinner

I know there are many families that eat several of their meals out of the home each week.  The majority of American families have both parents working and finding time to cook dinner and eat together around the dinner table is difficult.

Connect With Your Kids About School (Gold Nugget #2)

People gathered in circle holding hands together in the middle

As a first-grade teacher, my wife Lisa is adept at drawing information out of children,  although at this age their communication skills are limited. She is naturally gifted in communicating, especially with children.  

Fight For Your Family (Gold Nugget #1)

Kids having a fun time together

Certainly in marriage we all face times that are challenging, where we want to take the easy way out and give up. But what if we gave up in our business life each time we encountered a  little resistance? God doesn’t call us to be people who quit when things get tough but to be overcomers.